We have Alien Spacecraft, but so does Russia and China

In this episode, Chris Harris and Chris Morales discuss the claims given by government whistleblower David Grusch. David claims the United States Government have recovered alien spacecraft, but so has other counties, creating a secret arms race to reverse engineer of these alien crafts. Highlights: - Dissecting David Grusch's comments on recovered alien crafts. - Speculating on a secret interstellar arms race between major world powers. - The infamous 'Tic Tac' UFO sighting and what it could mean. - The advancements in technology and backward engineering of extraterrestrial technology. - Whistleblowers, classified information, and the struggles in bringing light to such subjects. - Possible implications for global politics and society if the existence of aliens is confirmed. - Speculating on the nature and intentions of potential extraterrestrial visitors.

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